北海道精子提供ボランティア きゅうすけ

個人で精子提供を行うボランティアです。札幌近郊にて、無償で精子提供を行っております。選択的シングルマザーをご希望の女性、妊娠を望まれるご夫婦・カップル(レズビアンの方々を含む)が対象です。日・英 2カ国語運営。

提供を再開いたしました。 I will re-start sperm donation.








I will re-start sperm donation from today. If you want to be a sperm donation recipient, please see the link below and contact me.

3 is the maximum of recipient number. If you want to be a recipient when there are already more than 3 other recipients, you have to wait until they succeed in being pregnant. Please check the current recipient number in the below link.


Please visit this page if you are thinking about being a sperm-donation recipient.